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Dedicated to the Christian study and support of life beyond death,
healing, religious experience, parapsychology and more.

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Welcome to the CFPSS

Many people have come to value the guidance of the Fellowship when they have experienced spontaneous gifts of the Spirit, the pain of bereavement or simply a call to deeper spiritual understanding. The Fellowship offers a safe meeting place where members and enquirers may share and explore these experiences in an open atmosphere of love and acceptance.

Halloween / All Hallows

Halloween (also called All Hallows Eve) is a time of year that Christians often struggle to know what to do with. Myth and truth are often intertwined and it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. 


To help navigate through this confusing time, we have put together a series of resources that you can In this article, Matt Arnold (editor of our journal The Christian Parapsychologist and author of The Invisible Dimension) lays out the history of Halloween in a clear and helpful way and investigates the roots of some of its more popular customs.​

And if you would like to remember before God those you love who have died, this short, prayerful liturgy will help you do just that.

Charity Number: 233778


The Churches Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies

Office 8, The Creative Suite, Mill 3, Pleasley Vale Business Park

Mansfield, Notts, NG19 8RL


01623 812206


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