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This booklet is written for all those who are concerned with the spiritual education and nurture of children and adolescents or young adults. Although we offer this work to parents, teachers, clergy ministers, youth workers etc, we especially have in mind teachers in secondary schools and further education, particularly Religious Education teachers and their pupils or students.


The reasons why it is advisable to have a knowledge of parapsychology are various. The chief is that psychic awareness seems to be part of human make-up. We cannot understand humankind unless we take into account the full range of capacities and experience. Parapsychology provides evidence usually ignored in the modern scientific world.

Parapsychology in Education

  • The CFPSS Working Party on Education


Charity Number: 233778

The Churches Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies

Office 8, The Creative Suite, Mill 3, Pleasley Vale Business Park

Mansfield, Notts, NG19 8RL

01623 812206


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