The Programme​
​Session 1 - Talking About 'Talking About Spiritual Experience'
Meg will talk to us about the latest CFPSS publication, Talking about Spiritual Experience that was the catalyst for this project. She will explore the reasons why this book was written, how the project developed, what it is in the book, and further thoughts about the issues we discuss.
​Session 2 - Into the Darkness: Negative Spiritual Experience - what it is, how we encounter it and how we overcome it.
In this talk Robert sets out the nature of Negative Spiritual Experiences, how we may identify their various forms and thus distinguish them from positive, beneficial experiences.
The sources of negative experiences may be natural (human) or supernatural (non-human), but the effect upon the experient can be equally harmful, as a variety of examples - drawn from both personal experience and the recorded experiences of others - will show.
How we may best respond to, resist and overcome such experiences is considered – and also what we can learn from them for the benefit of ourselves and others.
​Session 3 - Religious Experience and Pastoral Ministry
George's talk will examine a number of issues that churches, and church leaders in particular, encounter when it comes to religious experience. How do we minister to people who have claimed to have a religious experience and are our churches equipped for this?
​Session 4 - Talk About Religious Experience
- open floor
In a break from our usual fourth speaker, we will be opening the floor to anyone gathered, in person or online, that welcome an opportunity to talk about their own experiences.
Click speakers's name for their biography